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Billabong Pro Tahiti 2011 Sat AUG 27


Service and inspection Yamaha Wave Raider 1100, 3

Today's report is Exhaust  and Jet pump unit.
This exhaust pipe has by-pass water hose from middle of barrel to end. If ski was stuck on sand bank or ridden on shallow water before must need check this because may occure to jammed hose by sand and block to water cooling and it will get over heat of exhaust sys.

This ski had happened problem.(click pic)

Hose  side.(click pic)
Jet pump unit was damaged ,must be this ski was stuck or ridden shallow water before. Impeller top edges was damaged also impeller gap now to much, in short outer of impeller been ground by sand. This is also involved of exhaust sys jammed by sand.

Damaged top edges

Impeller gap has over 1.0mm.  Limit is 0.6mm.