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Billabong Pro Tahiti 2011 Sat AUG 27


Visited to Gifu city

I visited Gifu city for to see my friends and some jet ski shops.

KISSATEN is Japanese style coffee shop. Here is Gifu a famous and competitive place of KISSATEN in Japan because they have a special breakfast service. Normally if order coffee just come only coffee but here is Gifu's KISSATEN come with breakfast.

¥350 as AUS$4 is just price of coffee but breakfast come together. Also nice taste.

Second hand Jet ski broker.
Stock yard
Recond Superjet, looks nice. ¥650000

Go to water test run to river

Other people enjoyed jet ski and BBQ.

I went to free style hull factory
I met KAZU who are Japanese top Pro Free style rider. He is very nice guy.
His free style jet ski. WABUZUN  looks very cool