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Billabong Pro Tahiti 2011 Sat AUG 27


Oil filter won't come off Kawasaki 15F

This 15F customer didn't service over 1 year and it had rust and corrosion around motor.
Oil filter of this motor was rusted and didn't come off so easy. I used filter wrench first but just slipped then I used big plyers but oil filter just squashed and didin't come off. Oh, my god!
There are very narrow space because oil filter is locate under the intake manifold. Finally I removed inatake manifold and came off oil filter.
Please change oil filter before rust and don't fit too tight.

Locate just under intake manifold and very hard to access hand and tools.
Removed intake manifold
Now very easy to acsess.
Oil filter, after removed.
It was rusty around oil filter